Zigging Out
Zigging Out
Rust Background
As a Rust developer, I’ve had it. I’ve designed my last type system, hacked around my last borrow/ownership issue and will claim back some CPU cycles. Hyperbole aside, I’ve been developing with Rust since early 2016 and have mostly enjoyed it. The type system and ownership model has been good for my development as a programmer. It has made me aware of many common memory issues and race conditions. Prior to this, I was used to debugging segfaults and invalidated objects in C++ and sometimes Go. In the beginning, Rust lacked lots of library and had an ecosystem that was easily eclipsed by the more mature languages. However, at this point, I consider it to have one of the most polished ecosystem in certain niches. Some of my favorite libraries include:
- https://ratatui.rs/ - TUI library.
- https://rapier.rs/ - Physics engine.
- https://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/#language-bindings - Parsing library built in C, but has a great Rust API.
Despite how good Rust is, I’m reaching for a new low level programming language. The main reason for this is to try something new, but there are some things about Rust I’m happy to take a break from like:
- Large refactors. Rust’s rigid type system (where lifetime is part of the type) often necessitates more rewrites than other programming languages I’m comfortable in (namely Go/C++/Clojure).
- Some things are a hassle in plain Rust. Something like implementing a garbage
collector feels very wrong in Rust.
can be used, but it doesn’t feel quite as “Rusty”.
Why Zig
This is arbitrary. I’ve heard of Zig. I’ve listened to some random talks. The
creator, Andrew Kelley seems like an enthusiastic guy. I was able to sudo dnf
install zig
and things worked without much friction. This is a great recipe to
get started. For some real reasons, here are some things I like about Zig:
- Good C interop story. If there’s something that I don’t want to write, I can probably reach for a C library.
- Its low level. As a control freak, I like to know my function call stack, where allocations happen, and how my memory is laid out. Every once in a while I get the urge to pick up something like Kotlin, but I know I’d miss the low level mental model too much.
- Developer velocity is valued. From interviews, it seems that getting fast iteration times VIA fast compile times is a priority.
- It’s an underdog language. Zig is the passion project of Andrew Kelley and is not funded by a major corporation. Despite this, Zig has a few people working on it full and has developed a great language.
Zig Features
Lazy Compiler
Zig has one of the laziest compilers. During compilation, only things that are referenced are compiled. Additionally, some things can be evaluated at compile-time which may prune some code paths from even compiling. The following still compiles!
const Struct = struct {
x: i64 = 0,
pub fn badFunction(self: *Struct) void {
return self.y;
pub fn main() void {
const s = Struct{};
if (false) {
should not compile asStruct
does not have a member calledy
. However, it is not referenced so Zig prunes its compilation.s.functionThatDoesNotExist()
is known to never be called, even at compile time. Theif
statement is evaluated over abool
that is known at comptime. It’s evaluated and the dead code path is eliminated.
I did not expect the Zig compiler to be extremely lazy. In this sense, it
reminds me of a scripting language. I expect compiled languages to not compile
on the above. A scripting language would still run, but it would fail at runtime
if one of the bad code paths is taken. Zig is somewhere in the middle. The
program compiles because Zig determines that the codepath is
unreachable. However, compilation fails if if (false)
is changed to if
or badFunction
is referenced.
I think I know why this feature exists. The standard library itself has lots of
conditional compilations. For example, switch (builtin.os.tag)
is evaluated
at compile time. There are lots of dead branches for each of the non-target OS
Do I like this? It’s definitely necessary for the way that Zig handles metaprogramming. In practice this is annoying under the following scenario:
- I have a function definition that is unused.
- I make breaking changes to an API. This affects the unused function definition.
- I use the “unused function”. It’s somehow broken.
Although annoying, this hasn’t been a deal breaker. Perhaps future tooling will help with this use case.
So are there any advantages to the laziness? Can it lead to faster compile times? At the moment, I don’t know. It seems like compiling just what’s needed could be good. Especially for a scenario where there is a large code base, but you just want to test a single scenario. At work, I commonly wait for our large code base to compile gigabytes of unused data just for my tiny test case. It’s a large source of developer unvelocity.
Explicit Memory Allocations
In Zig, memory allocations are explicitly managed. You pass in the appropriate
allocator for each function call. Generally you want to use an instance of
, but in in tests, you should use
identify and debug memory leaks.
Zig was the first time in years I’ve had to worry about cleaning up memory, and I did not do well. With some time, I improved at least a little bit. My current flow for memory management is:
- Write the code. Throw in some lazy cleanup code with
. a. While writing, think about what unit tests I should write. - Write the unit tests. Depend on
to provide debug details on memory leaks.
Memory leaks were the most common error. The hardest cases to clean up was partially built objects whose construction was aborted due to an error. Not that bad, but sometimes I did have some deadly use after frees to debug.
pub const Ir = union(enum) {
constant: Const,
define: struct { name: []const u8, expr: *Ir },
import_module: struct { path: []const u8 },
deref: []const u8,
function_call: struct { function: *Ir, args: []*Ir },
if_expr: struct { predicate: *Ir, true_expr: *Ir, false_expr: ?*Ir },
lambda: struct { name: []const u8, args: [][]const u8, exprs: []*Ir },
ret: struct { exprs: []*Ir },
test "nested badly formed lambda produces error" {
// This unit test helped me clean up the partially formed `*Ir` objects.
try std.testing.expectError(
Ir.initStrExpr(std.testing.allocator, "(define foo (lambda () (lambda ())))"),
Arena Refresher
For a quick refresher, a program may ask the memory allocator for memory each time it is called. The memory allocator uses some algorithm along with syscalls to give the program memory. Once the program no longer needs the memory, it gives it back to the memory allocator at which point the memory allocator can give it back to the OS or reclaim it for later use (or leave it unused due to heavy memory fragmentation).
Each memory allocation and deallocation in the fancy allocator has some performance impact. However, things become simpler in an arena. The memory arena is essentially a block of memory. When the program requests memory, then it is received from the next block of memory. The interesting part is that when the program wants to give back memory to the arena, nothing happens. The trick to arena is that the memory must be freed all at once. This simplifies the memory allocation strategy since:
- Allocations require simple pointer increments in the block of memory.
- Deallocations have no cost.
Arenas are typically clunky in programming languages. I’ve used arenas a few times, and it has always felt awkward each time. Arenas usually come in when trying to squeeze every last bit of performance out of code so it never occurred to me that arenas could be clean.
Arenas In Practice
Arena’s are usually used when trying to squeeze out every little bit of
performance out of a program. In the instances I’ve tried, arenas have been very
clunky. I’ve tried out Go arenas (experimental) which did not support arenas for
objects and C++
protobufs which were ok-ish. The interesting part about
the protobuf use case is that our dataset was very nested. However, the arena
data was embedded into each proto message. I didn’t look at the internals, but
over a lot of objects, having a pointer may add up and destroy some cache
The clunkiness such as Go map
not being supported and C++
requiring extra overhead is partly because memory allocators are taken for
granted. In 99.99% of use cases, some default allocator should be used. However,
for the extra use cases, not enough room has been made to fit in the
In Zig, it was pretty trivial to put in an arena in some cases. This is because
Zig encourages passing allocators instead of relying on an implicit builtin. In
some callsite, I had a collection of big one time allocations and many small
allocations. Slapping on an arena allocator was trivial. Instead of passing the
object that was in scope, I wrapped things in an arena:
// Create an arena that will be freed upon exiting the function.
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(self.allocator());
defer arena.deinit();
const file_size_limit = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
const contents = std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(arena.allocator(), full_path, file_size_limit) catch return Error.FileError;
const ast = Ast.initWithStr(arena.allocator(), contents) catch return Error.SyntaxError;
var module_ok = false;
const new_module = self.getOrCreateModule(.{ .name = full_path }) catch return Error.RuntimeError;
errdefer if (!module_ok) self.deleteModule(new_module) catch {};
const ir = Ir.init(arena.allocator(), ast.asts) catch return Error.RuntimeError;
var compiler = try Compiler.initModule(arena.allocator(), self, new_module);
const module_bytecode = compiler.compile(ir) catch Error.RuntimeError;
_ = try self.evalNoReset(try module_bytecode, &.{});
module_ok = true;
try module.setModuleAlias(self.allocator(), module_alias, new_module);
No Interfaces, we have ducktyping at home
Most languages that take generic parameters have the concept of an
interface. For example, in Rust, double speak for an Animal
can be implemented
like so:
pub trait Animal {
fn speak(&self);
impl Animal for Duck {
fn speak(&self) { println!("quack!") }
fn double_speak(a: &impl Animal) {
In the above, the double_speak
function can be implemented by any type. If you
want to create an Animal
, it’s easy to read the trait specification and
implement it. If something goes wrong, a helpful compiler error is displayed.
In Zig, there is no explicit contract, it is implicit. The implementation of the above would be:
const Duck = struct{
pub fn speak(_: *const Duck) void {
std.debug.print("quack!", .{});
fn doubleSpeak(animal: anytype) void {
In the Zig version, doubleSpeak
takes a type that can call speak
. You know
that by reading the doubleSpeak
implementation and not by reading an interface
spec. When I started with Zig, interfaces were my most wanted feature. After
more experience, I’m not even sure that I want some sort of interface
system. Zooming out, the main benefits from interfaces are:
- Can code to the interface definition which is defined in one place. With Zig, you have to read some documentation or the function implementation to find out what to implement. On the other hand, should I be programming to adhere to interfaces? Is this a large value add?
- Usually good compiler errors. Interfaces can give you
Duck does not implement Animal
. In Zig, you get a long stack trace and a message along the lines ofDuck has no callable function speak
. Overall, this last point doesn’t need interfaces per se. The real feature request is having generally useful compiler errors.
Metaprogramming with Comptime (largely untested)
In most languages, metaprogramming feels compeletely different than the language
it is programming for. In Zig, comptime
is very much built in Zig. You can
have compile time functions that return a type. Implementations can check type
info to produced different code paths where the alternative branches are pruned
before producing a compile error. It’s very fluid.
Simple example:
pub fn MyTypeParameterized(comptime T: type, comptime default_x: T) type {
const default_two_x = default_x * 2;
return struct {
x: T = default_x,
two_x: T = default_two_x,
test {
const T = MyTypeParameterized(f32, 1.0);
const obj = MyTypeParameterized(f32, 1.0){};
try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(T{ .x = 1.0, .two_x = 2.0 }, obj);
I’ve only seen some simple stuff for now, but am looking forward to exploring the library of functions available at comptime.
C Interoperability (untested)
Zig’s C interoperability is clean. Unlike many object-oriented languages that
wrap C concepts in classes with automatic cleanup, Zig uses defer
to manage resource cleanup.
This approach eliminates the need for boilerplate adapters often seen in other
languages’ C library wrappers. For example, if a C function provides a
function and a deleteThing
function, you can use:
var x = newThing();
defer deleteThing(x);
In C++, developers commonly wrap the API to make it more C++-like. The C++ version of the API may involve writing the following boilerplate:
class ThingWrapper {
ThingWrapper() {
m_thing = newThing();
if (!m_thing) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create thing");
~ThingWrapper() {
if (m_thing) deleteThing(m_thing);
m_thing = nullptr;
void* m_thing;
C dependencies in Zig should in theory involve normal import and use. No boilerplate or redesign is needed to make the API to be Zig-like. Of course, I have not yet tried this so my experience may change when actually using it in anger.
My main setup is Emacs + LSP + M-x compile
. Overall, the Zig tooling is
usable, but I’m looking forward to more polish in the future.
Build System
Although Zig is pre-1.0 and subject to changes, its build system has gained traction, even being adopted by large companies like Uber. In addition to building Zig executables, it includes a C compiler and supports cross compilation.
The Zig build system is centered around a build.zig
file that is… written in
Zig and defines commands. I’ve done basic things like zig build test
and zig
build run
, but to be honest, I haven’t yet got the right mental model for it
yet. Install? Executable? Run Artifact? At some point, I’ll probably have to
learn the build system to include dependencies, especially C deps. Hopefully the
documentation is good. I’m not saying that the build system is overkill for
Uber, just that I haven’t had to build any complex programs in Zig yet.
ZLS is Zig’s language server.
ZLS is pretty usable but the compile checks need more work.
- Formatting - Works as well as
zig fmt
does. - Autocomplete - Misses some stuff, but still useful.
- Go to definition and find references mostly works. This was actually great when programming. The biggest benefit I got was quickly jumping to the definition of items in the standard library. The Zig standard library not only has information that is immediately useful, but it is also a good example of how to program in Zig.
- Compile check - It performs some checks, but misses a lot. Seems like it only performs basic checks on the AST instead of what the compiler would check. Not really that useful yet.
Compiler Checks
The biggest pain point was ZLS syntax checking. The main workaround to this was
to use Emacs’ built in compile
function which allows me to run a build or test
and jump around to the source code for any errors that are parsed.
Performance Tooling
My main project in Zig is building an interpreted programming language. I started Spore in Rust. Although the implementation is slow, I had a fun and easy time using the following performance tooling:
- cargo criterion - Measure execution time and make fancy plots.
- cargo flamegraph - Build flamegraphs to see where the bottlenecks in my program are.
Unfortunately, cargo criterion
is specific to Rust so I resorted to manually
measuring execution time with std.time.Timer
or even the linux time
I expected a tool like cargo flamegraph
to work, but the result was basically
unusable. cargo flamegraph
uses perf
to collect telemetry from a program and
then renders the results as a flamegraph in SVG format. It was able to, but all
the functions/symbols were unlabeled.
I’ll probably look more into this area. Zig’s creator seems to use Valgrind for some performance testing.
I had a good time using Zig and will continue to tinker around in it in the foreseeable future.
Like | Language simplicity |
Memory control | |
Cautious about | Properly managing memory |
Deadly use after free bugs | |
Looking forward to | Using more comptime |
Using Zig performance tools | |
Zig ditching LLVM for better compile times so that my development changes from 2.5s per test iteration to 0s to unlock superproductivity |
Improved Zig compiler error messages | |
Begrudgingly will look at | Zig package and build system |
C interop |